Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Forty Seven in a row...


This is the scene where the giant robot birds with lazer eyes and real chicken feathers attack the city and Jynn dies.

WOOPS. Sorry.



But don't worry Jynn is resurrected as a God who can fly and slow down time. Eventually he strikes back against the robot birds and saves humanity from the giant bird bots (that's their official name). After saving his city he begins to travel throughout the solar system and eventually defeats the planet Pluto for total domination of the Universe.

I'm really inspired by Matrix Revolutions since, to me, that was the pinnacle of story telling in the last 300 years.

The title of my comic has also changed it is now, "Jynn vs. The Bird Bots and Pluto and The Universe".

I also just finished, "Watchmen" and that's really inspired me so I think I'm going to throw in some important sounding stuff like war, and nukes, and Russians. I'm also starting to read Cerebus and I think it'd be neat if Jynn might have a aardvark side kick.