Sunday, September 19, 2010

Garbage Day!!!

Just making fun of myself.

I am the main character in the greatest novel ever written.

I will draw women in profile until the day I die. She looks surprised, not intentional, oh well, no one looks at this blog anyway.

Okay, okay okay okay. Charlie. I got an idea for an art show. I've been drawing up some plans. This is where I'm at right now with my idea.

It's just in the preliminary stages, but I think this is really something we can work with. Get back to me with your thoughts/feelings on my concept.

I feel like I'm finally getting to the heart of the matter with this piece, a concept people can really identify with.

Been spending a lot of time crying so don't be too hard on me, I'm an "artist" after all.

In addition to crying for the sake of creative respect and generally making everyone angry, I, unabashedly, listen to the worst shit: