Wednesday, October 20, 2010

More Ayn Rand brilliance...

"Whenever I hear people say taxes are a necessary evil, I think of Hitler."

-Ayn Rand

Hey! How come these roads have so many holes in them! I can barely drive my car! If only we had a way to pay someone to fix them! Damn you Ayn Rand!!!

Hey! This library's closed! How am I supposed to check out The Emperor's Children and read it in two days because it's so damn good!? If only there were a way to pay people to work here! Damn you Ayn Rand!

Hey! This school doesn't have any teachers! Damn you Ayn Rand!

Hey! A bunch of stupid fuck wits are spouting gibberish about objectivism! Damn you Ayn Rand!

From Andrew (pretty sweet):

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