Friday, December 4, 2009

Two Hundred and Fifty Two...

You'd think writing a book would have some sort of cathartic quality to it but sadly I still have a strong desire to draw enormous explosions.

I've been reading Catch-22 and at times I found the book to be pretty aimless and far too drawn out, though still a good read, but I've recently gotten to that part where the writer delivers on all the promises and foreshadowing they made throughout the book and I have to say it's as good as any generally accepted classic I've read. Not quite 1984 gut check but still good. I think the humor in the book is very important beyond just being entertaining and insightful (and occasionally just plain tiring) in that it develops this false sense of security and there is a point where Heller gets into the details of war and cuts the crap and it's like, "Oh damn, this is war isn't it?" as your entire world is flipped upside down. Suddenly you feel really bad for Yossarian, at least I did, and you really don't want him to fly any more missions, you don't want anyone to fly anymore missions.

Obviously there is way more to the book than that but those are some of the stronger emotions I felt while reading it.

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