Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Seventy Four in a row...


Eh? Eh!?!


I know what you guys are all thinking. That zombie drawing was great but I hope Tyrone can throw something at us from way out in left field.


These are characters from the comic called, "D for Effort" in which two vigilantes travel the world killing shitty CEOs and left over Bush cronys in Iraq. It features the music from Infected Mushroom (http://listen.grooveshark.com/#/song/The_Beauty_and_the_Beat/7391270) and Phillip Glass and stars two characters by the names of James and Jessy. Both of them are ex hired killers who have been actually re hired to kill some more people. James is actually a part time substitute teacher. He teaches physics and P.E.

Scene: James and Jessy hunt down the CEO of Bechtel in his villa in France. After shooting all of his guards to pieces and running out of bullets James is forced to choke him to death using his scarf. Jessy stares on in enjoyment. Then Jessy and James make love.

Scene: Jessy sneaks into the CEO of Haliburton's suite in Las Vegas where she shoots both of his hookers and crushes his skull with her high heeled shoe. Then Jessy and James make love in the blood filled hot tub.

Scene: James crashes through the glass door of Cheney's bath room and shoots him in the face after being polite and letting him finish up. Then Jessy and James make love.

Scene: James comes across the CEO of AIG during Thanksgiving dinner and feeling a moment of remorse at seeing his target with his family decides to shoot his entire extended family then shoots him to spare them the grief. Then they have Thanksgiving Dinner - Then Jessy and James make love on the dinner table knocking over the stuffing and gravy.


ed. That drawing gets a D FOR EFFORT! LOLOLOLOL.


And this one just for the hell of it...


  1. Yummmmm. Very Shawn of the Dead of you.

  2. I liked Shawn of the Dead but I will always be partial to Hot Fuzz. Man they got it so right there.

  3. Uh.


    Are the two colored-in characters Jessy and James, or no?

  4. No they are alien robots sent to eat all of our cows! WATCH OUT COWS.
