Sunday, May 23, 2010


Beautiful Vomit

The bright, glowing, power of the spherical blazing ball of searing orange flame crept over the ancient rustic mountain side spilling it's searing charcoal guts out across the slumbering trees and lifeless undergrowth in a blinding blaze of majestic glory. Trees the color of freshly tilled earth reflected the bright rays with gusto, setting the forest ablaze with light, color, love and life. Overhead the sky was gradually transferring to a bright creamy pink like that of a freshly born baby in a tub of electric strawberry ice cream, liquefied cow tongues, and pepto-bismol. Crusted, gnarled, dusty, dry hills rolled along below the gutted rays of the rising sun, then suddenly the hills jumped, freeing themselves from the previous night's slumber with a gentle turning and rumbling like that of a sleepy bear coming to life after a long hibernation. Birds chirped with such life and beauty like a thousand flutes as to challenge the most stirring compositions ever created. Dew set on the trees and reflected the blazing sun's soul as though a thousand tiny eyes were searching the future for an answer to their deepest hopes and dreams. A violin! Oh my God, a violin.

Beautiful Vomit Ver. 2

He woke to the sunrise. A violin! Oh my God, a violin.

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